My firm offers a wide range of services to public and private business clients. Because my firm is very
small, clients benefit by getting personalized, quality service that is beyond comparison. Below I have listed the services
that I offer to clients along with a brief description.

Installing a Nibbler on-site wastewater treatment system in Lockwood, MT. |
Site Design Planning a country residence or urban commercial center?
A comprehensive site design will allow you to procure the permits necessary to construct your project, and the quality of
the design will impact the living or working environment for the life of the facility. Let Treasure State Engineering
assist you with site planning, project permitting, and construction!
Water, Sewer, and/or Storm System Rehabilitation I worked with one client whose bar and restaurant had been
shut down due to non-compliance with Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regulations, and was able to get them up and
running again. On another project, a client was having to pump multiple septic tanks three times per week, and having
to live with parking lot ponding every time it rained, because both the sanitary and storm drainage facilities had failed.
I designed new systems, obtained DEQ approval, and worked with the contractor to complete the improvements in a short time
period to minimize pumping costs. I have a close working relationship with the Montana DEQ, and will strive to bring
your facility into compliance in a cost-effective manner, with no unnecessary sacrifices to system performance. Municipal Water, Sewer, and Storm Main Line Rehabilitations or Extensions I have a great
deal of experience in designing and inspecting these systems for municipalities across Montana. On a recent project,
I was able to design and inspect a sanitary sewer main extension for approximately 1/2 the cost of my closest competitor.
Design and DEQ approval was accomplished in less than ten days. Construction required only three days.
Subdivision Design I have been privileged to perform work on several subdivision projects
in Montana and Alaska within the last five years. If you are planning a subdivision and prefer to work with only one
engineer instead of the typical "team" or "group", give me a call.
Roadway and Airfield
Design Services I am familiar with local and Federal design guidelines for public roadways and airports, and
have designed and inspected both types of pavements, from local gravel roads to a 14,000 foot runway for the Navy. My
most recent airport project was a 2.5 acre aircraft parking apron for the Juneau International Airport in Alaska.
Planning and Grantwriting Services If your municipality or district has infrastructure needs and wishes
to began the grant application process, give me a call. I would be happy to investigate your needs and initiate work
on a Preliminary Engineering Report. Oftentimes, state matching funds are available.
Bid Phase Services, Construction Inspection and Certification I would be happy to assist
you with project cost estimating, advertising and bidding, construction inspection and project certification (record drawings).
While I must perform construction inspection for projects I design that require an engineer's certification, inspection
may be part-time, intermittant, or full-time, depending on the needs of the project, desired level of documentation, and
your budget.
Other Services If you have a need for engineering and your type of project is
not listed above, give me a call. If I can't help you, I can probably steer you to an engineer that can!
Commercial Site, Storm, Water, and Sewer Design, Laurel, MT |
Setting 21,500 Gal. Water Storage Tanks for New Water Treatment Plant, Yellowstone County, MT |
Limestone Stormwater Retention Pond, Lockwood, MT |
Log Home Site Design near Shepherd, MT |
New Wastewater System for Pryor Creek Bar & Cafe, Huntley, MT |
Check out Lambert, Montana's new Track & Field! |